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Streptocarpella saxorum


This tropical plant native to Tanzania and Kenya, has velvety, deep-green leaves, and dainty flowers that hang from long stems and almost look like a cloud of butterflies flocking around the plant. Allthough it seems to enjoy cooler environments, this plant is pretty frost sensitive. 

False African Violet

  • Temperature: (Min 50ºF ) 70ºF - 95ºF Max 

    Humidity: 20% - 40%

    Light: Bright indirect light

    Soil: Well-drained but moist

    Size and Growth: 8 - 12” in tall, 10 -15” in spread.

    Water & Fertilizer: Evenly moist. Slow-release fertilizer in Spring

    Flowering and Fragrance: Violet to deeper blue, light to darker blue

  •  Bottom feed; Keep water from touching their leaves or brown spots may develop

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