Indoors: Anytime from spring and then again 3-4 months before the first fall frost. Transplant: When plants have 2 sets of true leaves.
Mulch: Straw or Grass
Fertilize: Every 4-6 Weeks
Harvest: A handful of individual outer leaves from each plant per week to keep them productive all season.
Avoid planting at edge of garden, as slugs love kale and will creep in for nightly dining.
Kale Blend
Red Russian, Lacinato (Dinosaur)m Scarlet, Dwarf Blue
Water: Keep soil moist, not dry
Soil pH: 6.0 - 7.5
Germination: 45° (F°)
Temperature: 45° Min 50°-75° (F°)
Plant Spacing: 2 in. apart
Cover : 1/2 inch deep.